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12 Signs of Good Base Running

Originally posted on Pro Baseball Insider


The great thing about base running is that everyone can be good at it.  Different from hitting, fielding, and throwing, running the bases is more about knowledge and effort, not just technique and talent.

Speed is not the most important factor in base running.  How much heart, effort, and savvy you put into your base running determines how good of a base runner you will be.  Putting pressure on the defense creates mistakes and can turn into runs for your team.

When do you become a base runner?

Base running begins once you put the bat on the baseball.  Once the ball is hit you are no longer a hitter, you are a runner.

12 Signs of a Good Base running

When answering the question of how to run bases, here are 12 things you can focus on learning or improving.

  1. Being able to go from 1st to 3rd on a base hit to the outfield (when possible).
  2. Reading a line drive while on 2nd base and being able to score on a single.
  3. Running hard all the time.
  4. Knowing how and when to break up plays by sliding hard into base.
  5. Not missing any signs put on by the coach.
  6. Being able to read and anticipate pitched balls in the dirt and advancing when possible.
  7. Knowing your speed and understanding when to take a chance and when to play it more conservative.
  8. Not making the first or third out at 3rd base.
  9. Knowing where your defense is playing behind you, especially the outfielders so you can react to the ball and not have to wait and look to see what happens.
  10. Not getting doubled up on a line drive to an infielder.
  11. Always running hard through home, especially with two outs.  If a runner gets thrown out trying to stretch a single into a double and you are taking your time touching home and the out happens before you score, the run does not count.
  12. Getting good secondary leads so you can try to get that extra base on a hit.

I hope this article on 12 Signs of Good Base running can help you evaluate accurately evaluate your base running skills so you know your strengths, as well as where you can improve your game.  Play hard.  – Doug

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