Baseball Toolbox

Resources for Baseball Coaches

13 Ways to Build Culture

This post is also found at the Coaches Toolbox, a collection of free resources for coaches of all sports

These two lists were written by Alan Stein

Alan is the Performance Coach at DeMatha High School.

I hope this gives you an idea or two that you can add to what you do or just a different way to present your program’s values to your fellow coaches and to your athletes.

13 Ways to Build Culture

Successful programs have created a palpable culture, sound habits and high standards:

  1. Program > Team > Athlete
  2. Players and coaches talk to each other, not at each other. Big difference.
  3. No one is perfect. Mistakes will happen on and off the field/court. Learn from them.
  4. Every player and every coach is important to the team and plays a role. Respect that.
  5. Focus on effort and attitude. Those are the only 2 things we have complete control over.
  6. You either accept it or you correct it. There is nothing in between.
  7. Repetition is not viewed as punishment. Repetition is necessary to development.
  8. Confront issues, not people.
  9. Goals match behaviors and habits.
  10. Be on time. It is a sign of respect.
  11. Discipline = Love
  12. If you aren’t prepared to put the team first… don’t play.
  13. Believe or leave…

Being a part of program is not a part time endeavor. It’s something you get to pick and choose. You belong to and represent your program 24-7-365. Act accordingly.

12 Keys to a Winning Program

Please note, when I say winning program – I not referring to W’s & L’s exclusively.

I am referring to a winning culture, developing winning habits and setting winning standards.

Winning is all about commitment.

Every player and every coach must be committed to…

  1. Academic work. Aim for success in everything you do, not just the stuff you want to do.
  2. Behavior. Carry yourself in a first class manner at all times. Be respectful.
  3. Character. Doing the right thing all of the time (not just when someone is watching you).
  4. The program. No one is bigger than the team and no team is bigger than the program.
  5. Working hard. There is never an excuse to let someone outwork you. Never.
  6. Working smart. Work out with efficiency & purpose. Learn how to play the right way.
  7. Working consistently. Anyone can be good for a day. Work hard/smart every
  8. Unselfishness. Be a servant leader. Put other’s needs first.
  9. A winning attitude. Earn confidence through effort and demonstrated performance.
  10. The team. Commit to your team’s philosophy and system of play.
  11. Your role. Know it. Embrace it. Take pride it. Fulfill it to the best of your ability.
  12. Your teammates and coaches. They are your brothers/sisters. You are a family.