Progressive Hitting Drills vs Random Drills
By Steve Nicollerat
Founder of Coach Baseball Right, Coach Nicollerat spent about 40 years coaching varsity high school baseball, youth baseball teams and camps. He’s also a nationally Master Certified Epstein Hitting Instructor.
I wanted to discuss Progressive Hitting Drills for just a bit – not just Hitting Drills, but, Progressive Hitting Drills. As I participate in our Facebook group and other baseball groups, I notice parents and coaches putting up videos of a kid’s swing. The comments under the swing videos seem to suggest that there is a problem or two with the swing and there is a great drill to fix that problem.
There may be some truth that a specific drill will help with a specific problem. However, most of the videos I see have many, many issues. There is not a single drill that will really help, but a Progressive Hitting Drills Program that can take the hitter and a parent/coach, through drills that are designed to teach swing basics in some sort of progressive or sequential way would help.
The importance of the progressive nature of the drills is to provide a framework to teach the player and a parent/coach the proper movements in the swing, the proper order that things happen in the swing, and how to look at a swing and break it apart to identify any areas of concern.
Once a framework is in place, then we can look to do a hitting annotation to analyze the swing in more detail. For instance, we broke down Donaldson and Pujols: Using Online Hitting Annotations for Swing Analysis.
The next time you have a concern about your player or child, or, the next time you really want to come to grips with how the swing works, check out our Swing Like a Pro Program. This program will provide a daily plan for your player to actually improve and understand his swing. You can feel confident that the two of you can work together to try to take his game to the next level.
The last easy idea you should do is to check out our post from our latest Hitting Seminar, which provides more tips and ideas on hitting. You will see a much more in-depth look into hitting concepts and progressive hitting drills that will hopefully raise your level of awareness to the world of hitting.
Other Coach Baseball Right Pitching Resources
Be sure to take a look at our Hitting Basics Guide. It is a free resource that establishes a great foundation on hitting basics so that you can then learn the language to tackle progressive hitting drills like our Swing Like a Pro 20-day Home Hitting Program.