Baseball Toolbox

Resources for Baseball Coaches

Torque Hitting Drill

The following video is courtesy of our newest partner Coaching Baseball Right. (Check out the free coaching tools)

In the clip below Steve Nicollerat the founder of Coaching Baseball Right and a veteran of 40 years coaching varsity high school baseball, youth baseball teams and camps shares a drill he utilizes to teach Torque Hitting.

If you are trying to get a player to feel the separation of the upper body from the lower body, try using this drill.

Not only will it teach the feel to the student, but it will also teach the proper time in the swing this takes place.

Things need to happen in the proper sequence. If the sequence is broken, the hitter falls out of his package.

Pitchers want hitters to hit the ball when they have fallen out of sequence. When the front heel hits the ground, the back knee begins to come forward toward the other knee. The hips will now begin to open. At this point make sure the front shoulder stays closed. This is the torque or power source for your swing.

The YouTube video below has audio, so please make sure that your speakers are turned on and that you have access to the site. Note that some schools block access to YouTube.

Coaching Baseball Right would also like to extend this generous offer. Click the links below to get access to two absolutely awesome and completely Free  Coaching Tools.

Free Hitting Basics Guide

Free Hitting Drills